
No More Stinky Septic Problems

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No More Stinky Septic Problems

When I moved into my new house, I assumed that the residence used a city sewage system like the four houses I lived in previously. The homeowner did not tell me about the septic tank and I did not think to ask. Not only was I not informed of the septic system, but I was not told that the tank had not been cleaned in six years. I started to smell a foul odor from my toilet soon after I moved in and there seemed to be a disgusting discharge building on my lawn. I knew that I had a serious problem when raw sewage started to come back up through my toilet. After an investigation by a plumber and an emergency septic service call, my septic tank was emptied and repaired. I now know that septic care is extremely important and I want you to know this too.


3 Things To Know About Septic System Installation

If your home needs a new septic system, or you are building a new house that will rely on septic, selecting an appropriate system for your needs is essential. Septic systems are vital for homes that cannot rely on city sewers for their wastewater needs. There are many kinds of septic systems, and selecting the best fit for your household is vital. Here's what to know when installing a septic system. 

There's A Lot Of Prep Work

The first thing to know about septic installation is that there's a list of things you must do before the installation begins. First, you'll need to check in with local authorities to understand the permits, regulations, and requirements for installing a septic system in your area. They will provide guidelines regarding system design, sizing, setback distances, and specific soil or environmental considerations. Next, a professional soil and site evaluation is needed to determine the suitability of your property for a septic system. This evaluation assesses the soil composition, groundwater levels, slope, and other factors to determine which system design and placement best suits your needs.

It's Best Left To The Professionals

While there are plenty of projects you can DIY, septic system installation isn't one of them. Installing one of these systems is best left to professionals experienced in septic system installation. The installation typically involves excavating the area, putting in the septic tank, connecting it to the drainfield, and backfilling the trenches. Proper installation techniques and attention to detail are critical for optimal system performance and longevity. A professional will also ensure that the system you want installed is suitable for your household's needs.

It Can Get Pricey

What you pay for your septic system installation will depend on factors such as your location, soil conditions, system design, tank size, and local regulations. It is important to get quotes from licensed septic system installers in your area to get a feel for how much the installation will cost. In most cases, you can expect to spend between $2,000 and $15,000 on the installation, but some septic system installations are much pricier. Consider your budget and your needs when installing a septic system.

There are a few things you need to know when installing a septic system. First, you will need to seek out permits and do soil testing before you can start the installation process. Second, you will need to hire professionals to install your system. Finally, septic system installation can get pricey, so consider your budget when making decisions. 

Contact a local company to learn more about septic system installation.