
No More Stinky Septic Problems

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No More Stinky Septic Problems

When I moved into my new house, I assumed that the residence used a city sewage system like the four houses I lived in previously. The homeowner did not tell me about the septic tank and I did not think to ask. Not only was I not informed of the septic system, but I was not told that the tank had not been cleaned in six years. I started to smell a foul odor from my toilet soon after I moved in and there seemed to be a disgusting discharge building on my lawn. I knew that I had a serious problem when raw sewage started to come back up through my toilet. After an investigation by a plumber and an emergency septic service call, my septic tank was emptied and repaired. I now know that septic care is extremely important and I want you to know this too.


Get A Septic Repair Company To Handle Necessary Repairs

A septic system is the way that wastewater is handled from your house if you do not live near a sewer connection. For example, if you live out in the country, you are probably too far away from the municipal water treatment plant to be connected to the main line. If you do have a septic tank, you need to make sure that you take proper care of it so that it will be able to handle all that wastewater. To be able to take care of your septic system, you need to know some signs that it needs to be repaired.

Foul Smell

One sign that there is a problem with your septic tank is that you notice foul smells. You may smell the odors near your drains, especially near your toilet, or you may smell them outside. What you are smelling can be the blackwater generated from your home. That can smell like methane or sulfur. The odor can be a sign that your septic tank is full and needs to be pumped out. If your tank is full, there is no space for the waste to go, so it will pool around the top of your tank.

Abnormally Green Grass

While having a lush green lawn can be a good thing, it is not always a good thing. Your septic system includes a leach field. The leach field is where cleaner water leaves the septic tank so that it can filter into groundwater. The grass in this area may always be a little greener than the rest of your yard because it is getting extra water and nutrients. But, if the grass is very green in comparison to the rest of your yard or is very green outside of the regular season, that can be a sign that you have a problem with your leach field. It shows that more water is coming out of your tank and into the field than there should be. If you do not get this repaired quickly, it can lead to other issues, which may mean you have to replace your leach field completely.

If you have a septic tank at your home, you need to know some of the signs that there are problems so that you can get a septic tank repair company out to your house to fix them as soon as possible. You don't want to leave the problems to sit for too long because the longer there is a problem, the more difficult it will be to fix it.